Abortion SA of Pinetown!
Abortion Clinic Pinetown Abortion SA specializes in the Abortion Pill and In-Office abortion procedures. Our experienced physicians and staff provide the best in professional care to our abortion patients. Comprehensive abortion information is provided to all our patients.
Our health centers are staffed with physicians, nurses and counselors who are licensed professionals. We offer an experienced and caring all female counseling and support staff. The emotional and physical well-being of our patients is our number one priority.
“Abortion may not be the right choice for everyone,
but everyone has the right to make their own choice”.

Abortion clinic in Pinetown, Abortion SA specializes in the Abortion Pill and In-Office abortion procedures in Pinetown, Safe abortion pills for sale in Pinetown at an affordable cost Order Now Someday Delivery
Abortion Pill
Abortion SA have offered no surgery abortion options for our patients for over 14 years! In 2000, we became one of the first medical facilities in the Pinetown to provide abortion services with the use of medications only.
Given the convenience and privacy of this treatment, medical abortions using Mifepristone “the Abortion Pill” for terminating early pregnancies continues to be the preferred option for many of our patients.
In-Office Procedures
Abortion SA performs In-Office abortions by using the vacuum aspiration method, the most common method of abortion available today. The procedure involves the gradual widening of the cervix followed by the insertion of a thin flexible tube attached to a vacuum aspirator, which gently removes the uterine contents.
We offer women the ability to make their own personal decision in a clean, safe, and confidential way. We believe each woman should have the opportunity to make her own choice and our female staff, nurses and physicians are professionally trained and ready to help you.
Safe abortion pills for sale in Pinetown

Abortion Clinic Pinetown

Women’s Clinic Pinetown

Abortion pills Pinetown
Call for information or to make an appointment

We offer you experience you can trust…
Abortion SA have offered no surgery abortion options for our patients for over 14 years! In 2000, we became one of the first medical facilities in the SA to provide abortion services with the use of medications only. Given the convenience and privacy of this treatment, medical abortions using Mifepristone or the Abortion Pill for terminating early pregnancies continues to be the preferred option for many of our patients.
If you choose to use the Abortion Pill, Abortion SA can meet your unique needs. We have successfully treated thousands of women over the past 14 years with these medications to enable them to have an abortion without surgery.
We also offer expedited care…
We know your time is valuable and try to minimize the time you have to spend in the office. Our medical abortion patients have their own patient care coordinator! There is someone assigned just to you to facilitate your care and eliminate any unnecessary delays while you are at our office!
Unlike other providers, Abortion SA offer this expedited care service at no additional charge. Convenience without additional cost is what we provide!
We have expanded services to meet your needs…
In order to offer a no surgery abortion option to more of our patients, we have implemented an evidence-based treatment plan that allows us to use the Abortion Pill with patients up to 10 weeks in gestation (70 days).
Given our many years of successful experience, we rely on Mifeprex (RU-486) to interrupt your pregnancy and Misoprostol (Cytotec) to help your uterus contract and expel the pregnancy just like a regular menstrual period.
What to expect when you arrive…
Upon arrival, you will be asked to fill out a medical history, vital signs will be taken and an ultrasound will be done to evaluate how many weeks of gestation (pregnant) you are. If you are less than 9 weeks, you will proceed with counseling and consultation from the Abortion SA staff and your physician to discuss your abortion care options. They will be glad to answer any questions you have about the abortion pill.
How does it work…
Mifepristone interrupts growth and stops further development of the early pregnancy by causing the pregnancy to detach from the Uterine walls. The effect of both is to stop the gestation from further growth or development.
After the initial medication has been given, Misoprostol is administered to induce uterine cramping. These cramps cause the uterus to bleed and shed its’ contents in much the same way cramps promote a monthly menstrual period. With a medical abortion, the induced bleeding may be heavier than a normal period and contain some clot formations, but usually nothing more significant.
The length of bleeding varies and sometimes lasts longer than a normal menstrual cycle. When you return for follow up care, the doctor will check to make certain the abortion has been completed. Your menstrual periods should return to your regular cycle. There are rarely any residual effects of the abortion pill treatment and it should not interfere with your future fertility or pregnancies.
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Our Patient Comments
The staff of Abortion SA Pinetown was very helpful and informative. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.
Wade Warren
Everyone at Abortion SA was extremely nice and made my procedure caring and not scary.
..great doctor made me feel comfortable just like an everyday Dr. visit